I can change, I promise
Our Letter, Our promise.
"Dear Skin, I know I haven't always been the best lover. In fact, I've been down right neglectful. When I was in the prime of my youth (c. twenties), I should have treated you better. All those late nights partying and burying you under primer, foundation, concealer, bronzer etc... In hindsight, there was a lot I would have done differently.
The 5 things I would have done differently:
1. Never go to bed with makeup on and take the time to remove it (double cleanse and if in doubt, cleanse again). Also, put moisturiser on afterwards.
2. Not be so rough with you! I regret all the times I tugged and pulled away at my eyelids like a sadistic little kid. I should have been more gentle.
3. Not popping pimples and constantly touching my face (sigh—we are only human).
4. Use sunscreen! The risk of UV damage is far too great and I took this step for granted.
5. Stay hydrated throughout the day. Drink plenty of fluids and use a good mist spray to retain the moisture in my skin.
I am sorry dear skin! I didn't know how to care for you properly. Now that I am older (and wiser), I can finally give you the love you deserve. I understand that finding the right product to match your skin type is a bit of a trial-and-error process. I promise to do my due diligence and read the ingredients on each packaging and invest in myself. And if I ever fail, I promise not to be too hard on myself. I promise to be patient and put you first because self care is not selfish!
A devote member of the Kanvas Kult - love your kanvas!